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Crooked Chimney Inn
COSHOCTON, OH     43812
Serving the Lemsford community for more than 200 years, the building was originally a farmhouse called Hornbeam Hall. Its use as an inn dates back to 1756 when it was called The Chequers. In 1777 Searanckes Brewery of Hatfield acquired the building which remained as The Chequers until 1968 when it was renamed The Crooked Chimney after its distinctive crooked brick chimney
Address: 22279 C.R. 124
Phone: 740 545-7740
Web site:
Directions: Exit 65 off I-77, first sdtop light at intersection 36 &SR933, turn left, drive to West Lafayette, turn right onto Main St, follow to CR 124, turn left. st.

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